Location: 12862 East Hwy 290
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
Vogel Orchard
Peach Farm

Hill Country Partners
We are incredibly lucky to be partnered with so many wonderful businesses located within the Texas Hill Country. Many of them are listed and linked below!

Piccolina, a new Italian ice creamery in Fredericksburg, is now using our peaches to make their AMAZING peach flavor. They now have a storefront on Main Street in Fredericksburg!

Orobianco is a delicious Italian Creamery and market in Stonewall. They are using our peaches for a gelato, and we might be biased, but we think it is delightful!

Dawn embroiders our tea towels and aprons. You can contact her following a purchase and have her personalize any tea towel or apron you buy.
If you are interested in partnering with us, please call (830)644-2404 and ask for Baylie or Natalie!